API - Application Programming Interface

Application Programming Interface

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information, without needing to understand the inner workings of each other.

In simple terms, an API is like a messenger that takes requests, tells a system what you want, and then returns the response.

For example, when you use a weather app on your phone, it likely communicates with a weather service API to fetch the latest weather data for your location. Similarly, APIs are used in a wide range of applications, such as logging into a website using social media accounts, fetching data from a database, or integrating third-party services like payment gateways.

Types of APIs:

1. Web APIs: Used to interact with web services over the internet (HTTP/HTTPS). REST and GraphQL are popular examples. These APIs are used to interact with web services over the internet via HTTP or HTTPS.


  • Google Maps API: When you use a ride-sharing app (like Uber), the app uses the Google Maps API to display maps, calculate routes, and show the estimated time of arrival.

2. Library APIs: Allow interaction with a software library (e.g., for manipulating images). These allow software to interact with specific libraries or toolkits, providing functionality for common tasks.


  • PIL (Python Imaging Library): Developers use the PIL API to manipulate images, such as resizing or filtering them, without having to code the image manipulation algorithms themselves.

3. Operating System APIs: Enable software to interact with the underlying operating system. These allow applications to communicate with the underlying operating system for performing tasks like file handling, accessing hardware, or controlling processes.


  • Windows API: A video editing software, like Adobe Premiere, uses Windows API to access system resources like memory and file I/O to read video files and write the output.

Difference between Normal User and API

The difference between a normal user and an API can be understood in terms of how they interact with a system and the context of their usage:

1. Normal User (Human User):

  • Interaction: A normal user is typically a human interacting with an application through a graphical user interface (GUI), like a web page, mobile app, or desktop application.
  • Access: They access the application by using inputs like a keyboard, mouse, or touch screen to perform tasks.
  • Authentication: They log in using a username, email, and password, and their session is managed via cookies or session tokens.
  • Role and Permissions: Based on their user role (admin, user, etc.), they may have different levels of access to the system.
  • UI/UX Focus: The experience is designed for ease of use, with attention to user interface and experience.
  • Example: A user logs into a website to view their profile, manage settings, or perform transactions.

2. API (Application Programming Interface):

  • Interaction: An API allows other programs or services to interact with the system automatically. The API does not require a graphical interface but communicates via requests (usually HTTP) with defined endpoints.
  • Access: API clients (another server, service, or frontend app) make requests to the system using an API key, OAuth tokens, or other types of programmatic authentication.
  • Authentication: APIs often use token-based authentication (e.g., API tokens, OAuth tokens, JWT) to ensure the request comes from a valid source.
  • Role and Permissions: APIs typically provide access to specific resources or actions, depending on the permissions tied to the API key or the user making the API request.
  • Automation Focus: APIs are used to automate processes and allow different systems to interact seamlessly without human intervention.
  • Example: A third-party service retrieves user data from a website’s API to display on a mobile app or automatically processes payments via a payment gateway API.

Here's a simple example of creating a basic PHP API endpoint

// Set the response header to return JSON data
header('Content-Type: application/json');

// Check if the request method is GET
    // Sample response data
    $response = [
        'status' => 'success',
        'message' => 'Hello, this is a simple PHP API response!'

    // Return the response in JSON format
    echo json_encode($response);
} else {
    // If the request method is not GET, return an error message
    $response = [
        'status' => 'error',
        'message' => 'Invalid request method'

    // Return the error in JSON format
    echo json_encode($response);


  • This PHP code checks the request method (GET in this case) and returns a simple JSON response.
  • If the request method is not GET, it returns an error message.
  • To access this, you can run it on a PHP server, and when you hit the endpoint with a browser or a tool like Postman, it will return a JSON response.

Example Output (if accessed via GET):

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Hello, this is a simple PHP API response!"

I hope you all have a clear understanding of the API.

Thank You!